The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:21b-23
About Me

- Sweet Tea
- Louisiana
- We're not the typical family. I've recently become Caregiver/Guardian to my Mom as she deals with Dementia. I'm married, have three grown children and also an 18 yr. old daughter who lives at home and recently made us grandparents to her beautiful new baby girl. That means that we have four generations of women under the same roof. Mister and I have been married forever. . .It's not the life we dreamed about, nor the one we would have chosen, but most days we find a way to laugh and bumble our way through. We're enjoying the journey, even with the unexpected side trips along the way. FOLLOW ME, if you dare! LOL!
Tomorrow IS a new day. Sending prayers and hugs your way~
ReplyDeleteAmen, Sistah!
DeleteIt still hurts.....
ReplyDeleteI really do understand and don't take it personally, but I do feel badly that her reality is such.
DeleteI agree but yes still must hurt, did I miss something, is she in hospital, I will check and see if I missed something!I hope all is well
ReplyDeleteLaurie, she went off her meds last week and as a result is spending some time in an Alz/Dementia hospital to try to get her meds restarted and balanced again. 24 hrs w/o the meds is almost catastrophic in her situation. Hoping to see improvement before long.
ReplyDeleteI love your perspective. God is still good and His love never ends. Praying they get everything worked out.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Connie.